Intro Blog

 Hello! My name is Melvin Amaya. I am 16 years old. This is my second year of Media Studies. I am excited to be retaking media studies A level this year. I went to Sunrise Middle School for all of my 6-8th grades. Since I took AS level of media studies, I now have prior knowledge of filming. Also, I am now a junior this year. I am a very energetic person. I like this class because I enjoy filming and other types of media. I have a lot of ideas about filming ideas. I think I am creative with different types of media and angles. I previously didn't know much about filming and different types of camera angles before AS level, but now I am educated on the terms. I hope to continue learning more about movies, shows, and so much more. I would love to be the one filming the videos for projects this year as it seems like something I’d be interested in. Another thing about me is that I’m determined. I would like to commit to all of my media projects and get them done. I didn’t see myself getting involved in filming at first but now that I’m in the course it seems enjoyable and I’d like to continue. I prefer working as a group for my projects but I am willing to do individual work if needed. I think I work well with others as I’m a great communicator and cooperative. 


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