Film Production Concludes
We finally finished filming. Unfortunately, we had many delays before but now that is out of the way. One main issue was transportation to the location. Another issue was scheduling a day we were all free to film. Lastly, the mall times were important so we had enough time to get all the scenes we wanted. We came to the mall a bit earlier than normal. This was to ensure we had enough time to film properly. To my surprise, a lot of the scenes needed more effort put into them than I thought. We carried on though despite this. Some scenes needed to be changed on the spot and replaced with different ones. This was to fit the theme better as some ideas were a bit too distracting. Another reason for this was to make it easier for us to film successfully. While filming, the mall was very loud so the audio was a challenge. The first idea was to speak louder and project more. This came off odd after rewatching so we came up with another backup idea. A voiceover could be used in some scenes where the audio is too hard to hear but I didn't like this option. I agreed to use it as a last resort as voiceovers can often desync and look poorly made. The filming overall went a bit rough at times but eventually become a success. This concludes our filming! Onto post-production now!
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