Title Research: Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? The opening sequence has 2 tittle cards which are "warner bros" and the name of the movie in a neon green color.
What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? One image that gets prioritized is at the beginning is the city which the movie takes place in, we know this due to the opening sequence zooming in to the background at the very beginning.
What connotations do these images carry? - The image of the city shows environment and location that the movie takes place in. In the opening sequence we are shown a "chase" thorough the city. The movie displays many different alleyways to make the viewer believe that there's a mysterious creature lurking in the dark corners of the city.
How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? The movie does several things to display a mystery such as the little glimpses of the creature flying in the sky. Another thing the movie does is create a tense ambient by adding ominous sounds along with the roars and shrieks of the monster flying. The creature is similar to a dinosaur which gives the impression that we might encounter pre-historic animals in the movie. Lastly, near the end of the opening we see the creature vanish into a sewer drainage which indicates that the monsters may come from underground which creates tension with the viewers.
What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? One thing the movie does in the opening is that as we're flying in the sky during one part we fly through an object which gives the impression that we are one of the monsters flying in the sky. Another thing the movie did to appeal the targeted audience was that they made the flying scene in first person view which makes the audience feel like we are actually there flying in the sky.
How has technology been used effectively? You want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques?
technology has been used effectively due to the tracking shot through the opening scene. It was also effectively used with the use of CGI editing techniques for the flying monsters along with the going through objects as we are flying scenes. It was also effectively used by adding the diegetic sounds to make a mysterious tension for the viewers.
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