Cancelled Filming Blog

 My group and I intended on filming last week, however, we had to reschedule our plans. My group ran into many problems about filming for this film. One major issue for scheduling is that we want everyone in the film which is hard to get all of us in one place outside of school. My group has had trouble getting transportation to our filming location too. For example, I had to stay after school for activities a lot this month meaning my group was unable to film. Naiara has work and she was going to pick up Jeni and Withly until she ran into a problem that stopped transportation. Jeni and Withly are unable to get transportation to our filming location at Naiara's apartment. Another factor is that my group has 4 people in it making it more difficult than usual. Because of all of this filming has been hard and we might still struggle to film in the future due to the circumstances. Due to the rescheduling, we decided to discuss our future plans and ideas instead. An idea I wanted to build upon was shifting the tone/theme of the story to be darker. I do not know how it will translate to the real filming but our storyboard went better than expected which gives us ideas. Because the storyboard went so well we can use it to base our filming along with the script to guide us.


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